How everyone is designing the column cap plate for beam bearing over the top for different connections like simply supported, continuous beam over the top without moment transfer to column and even with moment transfer? I couldnt find anywhere the actual design process. Is it just a rule of thumb?
Generally 4 bolts closely spaced. Web stiffeners often may be required in the continuous beam. A cap plate connection isn't going to be a fantastic pin. If the column is particularly slender watch out for moment transfer.
How can I answer that. How long is a piece of string? That really depends on the details of the beams, columns and loads involved. (well so does my previous answer)
In many cases the cap plate is just a nominal piece. That takes negligible load and is just there for horizontal shear. But that very much depends on the geometry of the webs, flanges and stiffeners.
On a given job, it is best to keep them all the same thickness for simplicity. Generally, cap plates matching the flange thickness of the supported beams should be sufficient.
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